‘These Heavenly Bodies’ Finds Disturbing Things in Angelic Imagery

‘These Heavenly Bodies’ Finds Disturbing Things in Angelic Imagery

These heavenly bodies plays with tension and foreboding in every minute you spend watching strange angelic images (and their disturbing content).

CONTENT WARNING: Cult/religious, cannibalism.

Thanks to films like The omen And Stigmataand also the religious Thriller/Horror genres, it’s not exactly obscure to ask you to conjure up the idea of ​​a holy man who’s been asked to investigate a recent, suspect scientific discovery. That’s the starting point for These heavenly bodiesToothandClaw’s lowrezjam 2024 entry, which sees you take on the role of that holy man who visits a laboratory where they examine three recently unearthed angel statues.

these celestial bodies - a disturbing person bathed in red light next to an angelic statue

The point is, there’s something very strange — almost alien — about these images, and it’s not their design, it’s their content. They contain bodies — bodies with traces of strange biomatter in them. Maybe the kind of thing you shouldn’t delve too deeply into, but we keep coming back. You come back every day, helping to analyze, discover, reveal, and conclude the investigation into the bodies and their images. As you might have guessed from the content warning above, it gets a little messy toward the end. You just HAD to figure out what was in the images, right?

What makes this all so special isn’t the what or the why, but the how. Lowrezjam challenges developers to create a game or experience at 64×64 resolution. This isn’t the most restrictive jam out there, especially considering there are so many low-resolution or bit-based engines out there. What’s impressive is that ToothandClaw has managed to convey incredible atmosphere and detail by pushing that resolution to its limits, creating something eerie even within this visual limitation.

these celestial bodies - a scan provides information about a muscular humanoid figure

These Heavenly Bodies is now playable (for free) on

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