Aneurin Minton cycles 1,600 kilometers through the Pyrenees

Aneurin Minton cycles 1,600 kilometers through the Pyrenees

City councilor Aneurin Minton is currently on day four of his challenge
City councilor Aneurin Minton is currently on day four of his challenge

Aneurin Minton, one of Caerphilly’s youngest councilors at 23, hopes to cycle 1,000 miles through the Pyrenees after losing friends to suicide.

The Plaid Cymru councilor, who represents Penyrheol, has always been an ‘enthusiastic outdoorsman’, according to father Robert Minton, who spoke to Caerphilly Observer: “Nye is a community ranger in Penallta, and he is often outside doing something.

“Just a few months ago he cycled all the way to Cardiff Bay from North Wales. Of course I’m a little worried about him on this trip, he’ll be camping every night for two weeks.

Aneurin’s journey through the Pyrenees, which straddle the border between France and Spain, began four days ago.

In the days that followed, Aneurin cycled more than 200 km in 32-degree heat, 1,400 meters above sea level.

All this in the hope of raising £1,500 for the charity CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably), an issue close to Aneurin’s heart, says Robert.

“At just 23 years old, he has already lost three people he knows to suicide and he hopes to raise some awareness. I’m very proud. His friends and family also support him.”

Robert admitted he will be “relieved” when the challenge is over, but is confident his son will return safely.

He added: “He always takes me to new secret places in Wales. I thought I knew the country well, but he has a knack for finding great places to see.

Lindsay Whittle, Plaid Cymru leader in Caerphilly and fellow councilor for Penyrheol said: “We are all very proud of Nye’s amazing solo efforts for an extremely worthy cause.

“He is a young man himself and wants to help others who are less fortunate. I sponsored it myself and encourage others to do the same.”

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Aneurine Minton